Upcoming Book Release: Challenging Colonial Narratives
Challenging Colonial Narratives: Nineteenth Century Great Lakes Archaeology by Dr. Matthew A. Beaudoin TMHC celebrates the upcoming release of our own Dr. Matt Beaudoin's first book Challenging Colonial Narratives: Nineteenth Century Great Lakes Archaeology based on his doctoral research and subsequent insights. From the publisher: Challenging Colonial Narratives demonstrates that the traditional colonial dichotomy may reflect an artifice of the colonial discourse rather than the lived reality of the past. Matthew A. Beaudoin makes a striking case that comparative research can unsettle many deeply held assumptions and offer a rapprochement of the conventional scholarly separation of colonial and historical archaeology. To create a conceptual bridge between disparate dialogues, Beaudoin examines multi-generational, nineteenth-century Mohawk and settler sites in southern Ontario, Canada. He demonstrates that few obvious differences exist and calls for more nuanced…