TMHC provides our clients with technical support related to all aspects of the management of cultural heritage resources:

Pre-Purchase Screening

Knowing the archaeological potential of a property or if an archaeological site is already present can be critical to deciding whether to purchase a property for development. Pre-purchase screening can help you avoid unforeseen costs related to cultural heritage.

Supporting heritage through comprehensive governance strategies

Ontario Legislature on a sunny day, flags waving in the breeze

Policy Development

Having good cultural heritage policies in place is an important part of achieving sustainable development.  The proactive development of policies specific to cultural heritage resources is an important part of effectively managing your projects.  This includes company policies and procedures, municipal official plan policies and other formal approaches to the management of cultural heritage resources.

Image Credit: Benson Kua, CC BY-SA 2.0

Supporting our profession through expert technical review

Peer review

There is always more than one way to approach an archaeological assessment while still meeting Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports’ requirements. The peer review of an archaeological report, a proposed strategy or policy is a good way to ensure you are being provided what is needed to meet Ministry expectations. Peer review can also provide you with alternative options that may better suit your needs.

Supporting individual and collective rights to prosperity and cultural integrity

Supreme Court of Canada from the front on a fall day.

Legal Support

Increasingly, cultural heritage is becoming a focal point of challenges to development approvals by Indigenous communities, local heritage organizations and grassroots heritage advocates. Expert advice on the identification, evaluation and management of cultural heritage is essential to successful legal outcomes.

Image Credit: D. Gordon E. Robertson Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

For more information on these services:
