Upcoming Black History Events

Upcoming Black History Events

Community Engagement
Upcoming Black History in Ontario Events 2018 is shaping up as an exciting year for Black History events in the region. We thought we'd share several upcoming events, a couple of which have some interesting archaeological connections. Niagara Falls Underground Railroad Heritage Center Grand Opening When: May 4 - May 12, 2018 Where: 825 Depot Avenue West, Niagara Falls, New York 14305 On Sunday, May 6, 2018, archaeologist, historian and award-winning author Karolyn Smardz-Frost will be speaking about her recent research on the Cataract Hotel and its connections to the story-line of her new book Steal Away Home, a biography of Cecelia Reynolds. The Cataract Hotel was an important stop on the Underground Railroad and where Cecelia and many other freedom-seekers made their way to Canada. In 2015, Timmins Martelle…
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TMHC and the 2018 Canadian Archaeological Association Annual Meeting

TMHC and the 2018 Canadian Archaeological Association Annual Meeting

Community Engagement, Company Blog
TMHC and the 2018 Canadian Archaeological Association Annual Meeting This week the Canadian Archaeological Association hosts its annual meeting in Winnipeg, Manitoba. This year’s theme is “Where the Spirit Resides“, based on the Anishinaabe word “Manitoba”. The Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Committee reverberate throughout this country, with archaeology being no exception. As the Ontario Archaeological Society recently adopted a new statement of ethical principles, the CAA also stands at a crossroads. The topics of the upcoming sessions underscore the growing influence of Descendant communities on archaeological practice. TMHC’s partnership with Sustainable Archaeology: Western and Mitacs will feature in one such session. Dr. Joshua Dent will discuss the Research Portal pilot project and how it is a reflection of and a contributing factor to the ongoing process…
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Looking Back at Canada 150

Looking Back at Canada 150

Company Blog
We live in a pretty big country. Including land and sea territory, Canada covers 9.98 million square kilometres. That’s a vast territory consisting of thousands of ecosystems each with its own operational quirks, patterns and idiosyncrasies. These ecosystems and the landscapes that encompass them cycle on timescales that can reach far beyond a mere couple of centuries. In surveying the scale of recent Canadian land-use (residential, agricultural, forestry, mining, etc.) and the relative swiftness with which that land-use has pervaded the landscape, it can be tempting to attribute this expansion to technological advances and the “superiority” of modern land management. But this notion of “frontier”-ism, or the primacy of the recent past fails to acknowledge that this vast territory and its multitude of ecosystems were already well understood by the…
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TMHC and the Research Portal

TMHC and the Research Portal

Company Blog
TMHC and the Research Portal At the end of 2016, Timmins Martelle Heritage Consultants together with Sustainable Archaeology @ Western University,  initiated a new postdoctoral fellowship funded, in part, through the Mitacs Elevate program. The goal of the fellowship is to theorize a comprehensive digital heritage information platform and, in doing so, redesign, streamline and augment archaeological and heritage information systems already present and in development by both institutions. One original system developed as part of the fellowship is the community-driven Research Portal. The Research Portal The world is full of great ideas, many held by individuals and organizations that will never realize their full potential because they do not have the resources to undertake associated research and follow through on outcomes. Social sciences and humanities departments across Canada are…
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