Josh Dent, PhD - Project Manager & Community Relations Coordinator
Joshua (Josh) Dent received a Ph.D. in Anthropology from Western University under a Joseph-Bombardier CGS Scholarship in 2016, and specializes in cultural resource management, archival research, heritage governance policy and Indigenous engagement. He recently completed a Mitacs Elevate Postdoctoral Fellow cross-appointed with Sustainable Archaeology: Western and is a licensed Professional Archaeologist in Ontario.
Since 2007, Dr. Dent has supervised commercial and research projects in British Columbia, Alberta, the Yukon and Ontario. Familiar with forestry, oil & gas, mining, residential and transportation assessments, Josh integrates his practical experiences with designing and innovating archaeological data systems and digital exhibits (Brick Street Cemetery, Lawson Site).
Josh works closely with Indigenous communities, municipalities and not-for-profits in professional, advisory and research capacities. The Research Portal component of his fellowship enables a growing network of academics and non-academics, extending the research impact of commercial archaeology and providing value-added possibilities to clients, communities and heritage stakeholders.
Dr. Dent is founder of Insituated and co-founder of the Archaeologist’s Almanac. He is former Chair of the London Heritage Council, sits as a member of the City of London’s Advisory Committee on Heritage (LACH), and is a member of the LACH Archaeological Sub-Committee. Josh also serves as the Ontario Archaeological Society’s webmaster, and is a contributing member of the Canadian Archaeological Association.