International Women’s Day 2020 In her own words…

International Women's Day 2020 In her own words... - Series Introduction

Poster: International Women’s Day (#IWD) is an annual celebration of women’s achievement and an opportunity to raise awareness of women’s contributions, gender bias and inequality. It is befitting that today we celebrate TMHC as one of the largest, predominantly female-owned heritage consulting firms in Canada.

Our success has been rooted in teamwork and community relationships, with women playing leading roles in what is still primarily a male-dominated field. These women are brilliant, highly talented and resilient, with incredible passion for heritage and business. They are skilled professionals but they are also moms, wives, partners, volunteers, and advocates.

TMHC celebrates all facets of these amazing members of our corporate family. We also acknowledge the support and commitment of the women in our extended family who, as partners and family members of our male staff, equally contribute to our success through their understanding, patience, juggling of childcare and family responsibilities, and commitment to our shared vision.

In honour of International Women’s Day 2020 (#IWD2020), we are launching a series of profiles that will shine the spotlight on some of the women who work at TMHC, both in the field and in the laboratory, in archaeology and cultural heritage, in business operations and administration, and in leading and supportive roles. Entitled In her own words…, the series presents the personal accounts of individual women that describe how they became interested in the heritage field, what they have been inspired by, and what their challenges have been. More importantly, they embody unique narratives about what it is like to be a woman in their respective fields.

In providing stories of their unique career paths and successes, not only do we honour these women but also those of previous generations who forged the way for women in heritage today. Perhaps we can also inspire others to follow while still forging career paths that are uniquely their own.