Lawson Site
Archaeology, Education and Reconstruction (1976-2011) - Meaning Beyond Archaeology

Lawson Village - 1980s
Meaning-Making at the Lawson Site
By the mid-1980s, significant, land-altering excavation at the Lawson Site had largely ceased in favour of smaller and constantly revisited field school and public archaeology excavation. The open area inside the palisade and around Longhouse 1 offered an ideal venue for events and activities beyond those traditionally associated with archaeology. One of the first and longest-lived of these events is the Indigenous-led Harvest Festival, first celebrated in 1984.

Harvest Festival - Jim Skye - 1984
A Living Landscape
As the Lawson Site developed into an interpretative hub, activities once commonplace on the local landscape began reappearing. These included flint-knapping, hide processing and gardening.

Hide Tanning with Morgan Baillargeon and Paul Lennox - 1989

Hide Tanning with Morgan Baillargeon and Paul Lennox - 1989

Lawson Garden with Interpretive Sign - 1991