IWD 2020 In her own words… Nicole Brandon
International Women's Day 2020 In her own words... - Nicole Brandon I chose archaeology as a profession because it combined my academic interests with my personal hobbies. My journey began at Wilfrid Laurier University where the profs were enthusiastic and encouraging. At the time, I was learning about Canada’s First Peoples. The trajectory of my career path changed one summer when I ventured east and took a job excavating at the Fortress of Louisbourg NHS in Nova Scotia. The reconstructed 18th-century town was enchanting, and the incredible variety of artifacts discovered daily was nothing short of amazing. I was hooked. Louisbourg was the inspiration to do a material-culture based M.A. thesis, which eventually landed me at TMHC as a material culture analyst and the lab manager. [caption id="attachment_3844" align="aligncenter"…